General information about company

BSE Scrip Code590070
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2021
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2022
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2021
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2021
Level of rounding used in financial resultsLakhs
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

Related party transactions

A. Details of related party

Name of the related partyMrs.R Radikaa SarathkumarMr.R.Sarath KumarMrs.Radikaa RayaneMr.Muruguvannan KavirimaniMr.Kanhu Charan SahuMr.Arunachalam KrishnamoorthyMr.Janardhan KrishnaprasadMr.Vellayan SelvarajRadaan Media Ventures Pte LtdAgile Creative Ventures Private LimitedMr.A L VenkatachalamMrs.Radha NiroshaRadaan Mediaworks India Limited Employees Group Gratuity Assurance Scheme
Categories of related partiesPromotersKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentOther related partyOther related partyOther related partySubsidiariesOther related partyKey management personnel of entity or parentOther related partyOther related party
description of relationshipPromoter with majority shareholding / Chairperson & Managing Director Whole-time DirectorWhole-time DirectorChief Financial OfficerCompany SecretaryIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorWholly Owned Subsidiary in SingaporeEnterprises over which Key Managerial Personnel are able to exercise significant influence or control Chief Executive Officer (not associated during the reporting period)Sister of Chairperson & Managing DirectorPost Employment Benefit Trust of the Company
CIN of related partyU74999TN2017PTC115470

B. Details of related party transactions

Purchase of goods and services
Sale of goods and services
Purchase of fixed assets57.72
Sale of fixed assets
Rendering of services
Receiving of services3650
Loans and advances given
Loans and advances taken48199.05
Loans and advances given that are repaid
Loans and advances taken that are repaid20.8
Deposits placed
Deposits taken
Transfer of research & development
Transfers under lease agreement
Equity investment
Impairment in equity investment
Expense for bad or doubtful debts
Guarantees or collateral given
Guarantees or collateral taken
Interest income
Interest paid11.3116.2416.88
Dividend income
Dividend paid
Management contracts including for deputation of employees
Settlement of liabilities by entity on behalf of related party


Short term employee benefits214.59.245.04
Post employment benefits
Other long-term benefits
Termination benefits
Share based payments

C. Outstanding balances


Un Secured13.52


Un Secured364.1461.117.3111.894.492.8330.5546.42.745.15

Loans and advances given

Un Secured4.94

Loans and advances taken

Un Secured211373.19187

Deposits placed

Un Secured36.72

Deposits taken

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral given

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral taken

Un Secured

Investment in equity

Un Secured9.35

Provision for doubtful debt

Un Secured


Transaction values of professional services availed are without GST

Payables include interst of Rs.11.60 lakhs on unsecured loan  and outstanding professional fees of Rs.352.54 lakhs


Transaction values of professional services availed are without GST

Payables include interst of Rs.26.73 lakhs on unsecured loan  and outstanding managerial remuneration of Rs.34.38 lakhs


The payables are towards outstanding mangerial remuneration

Expenses towards gratuity and leave encashment provisions are determined actuarially on an overall company basis at the end of each year, accordingly have not been considered in the above information


The Payables are towards outstanding remuneration

Expenses towards gratuity and leave encashment provisions are determined actuarially on an overall company basis at the end of each year, accordingly have not been considered in the above information


The Payables are towards outstanding remuneration


Sitting fees for attending meetings of the Board and Committees
The Payables are towards outstanding Sitting Fees 
Sitting fees for attending meetings of the Board and Committees
The Payables are towards outstanding Sitting Fees 
Sitting fees for attending meetings of the Board and Committees
The Payables are towards outstanding Sitting Fees 
Company incorporated outside India, so no PAN or CIN is available.
The Payables are towards outstanding interest on unsecured loans 
Not associated with the Company during the reporting period
The Paybales are towards outstanding remuneration
The payables are towards outstnading fees for professional services availed
The funds are manged by an unregistered Trust through LIC, so no PAN or CIN is available.
The deposits shown is the net value of  contributions made towards long term / post emplyment benfits of employees.
Contribution to the fund shall be made at the end of the financial year based on actuarial valuation of the obligations